Accent Modification & Reduction

We welcome multi-lingual communicators through our doors. Within our team we speak more than six languages between us. English is by far our strong suit. If you are someone speaking English as a second language and feel that the influence of your first language may be getting in the way of how easily understood you are, your confidence, your employment opportunities, or you simply want to perfect your English language skills, we can assist.

  • We work with all language backgrounds! Most commonly we work with professionals with an Asian or Eastern European first language however regardless of the first language spoken, we can absolutely assist!

  • • Comprehensive history taking of language history and exploration of personal communication goals
    • Provision of details regarding common patterns of speech/accent difference based on the sound system of your first language as compared with English
    • A comprehensive segmental and supra-segmental assessment of communication. That is, assessment of speech sound production as well as other patterns of communication including tone of voice, melody in speech, body language, eye contact and more
    • An inventory of key areas of strengths and areas for improvement
    • Client directed goal setting to ensure that the individual’s needs are met
    • A personalised treatment program to be completed both with your speech pathologist and at home/at the office. This will be speech sound and language based according to each client’s goals
    • Progress assessments to track improvement

Let us care for you and your loved ones

Want to find out more about how Eastern Suburbs Speech Pathology can help? Please get in touch and one of our team members will get back to you.




Acute Care | St Vincent’s Private Hospital